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Ultimately be able to create and also to import object(S) and place them in map and see the shadows

And ultimately, at some point of development, also be able to rotate the map/area, including the objects, to view from different angles, and view from different heights too, in 3D. I.e. to be able to move the point of view around, while looking at the area/shadows/direction of sun etc.

Now that is some challange! But I think it would be the ultimate Suncalc! People can insert their houses, gardens, trees etc, and see how it will look (when planning to make some changes or building something).

It would also be an important tool to help us expose and show the many totaly crazy hoaxes going on in our world these days. For example, in Sandy Hoax, the shooting happened in the morning right before 10 AM. There was a guy (Manfredonia if I remember correctly now) at the scene that heard the shooting, became afraid and ran into the forest. In the fairytale story, the police chased him into the woods, but it turned out he wasn't the "shooter". The only thing is; simulations show, when looking at the shadows, that the police "chased" him into the woods at around 12.30 PM in the afternoon. So, we are supposed to believe that the guy heard the shooting in the morinng, then fell asleep for a coulple of ours and then woke up and ran into the forest behind the school, and the police chased him some 3 hours later? (or they simply recorded that particular Sandy Hoax scene in the afternoon, and released the helicopter footage to the media, distributed, not by Hollywood in a Hollywood movie, but distributed by the 24/7 scamming media as being a "real" event). Wake up sheeple. We have been waiting a long time for you now, to catch up and demand an end to the madness of lies going on in our world.
BTW-1 good documentary to watch these days: "Psywar - the real battlefield is your mind"
BTW-2 I am not sure if I can post links here (I will try), and if anyone is interested to have a look at the shadow simulations that show the shadows and time, exposing Sandy Hoax for what it was (a fantasy story sold as bein "real" here are the pictures/links (if they get through posting here, I'm not sure it will work yet))
A) https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/40151067/cc_sandy_hook_shadows_A.jpg
B) https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/40151067/cc_sandy_hook_shadows_B.jpg
C) https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/40151067/cc_sandy_hook_shadows_C.jpg

SEW , 30.10.2014, 12:36
Idea status: under consideration


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