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To make the help text more accessible and tell the user where they're going, avoid 'here', you could change:
"Please leave your ideas about improving SunCalc or vote for them [here],"
"Please [leave your ideas about improving SunCalc] or vote for them"
or (even better):
"Please leave your ideas about improving SunCalc or vote for them with [Idea Informer]"

Henry Ford , 14.02.2013, 11:19
Idea status: under consideration


Nyalisha, 25.12.2013, 05:39
No, it's not at all embarassing that Blizzard ofrefs tokens and banks don't.People who play Blizzard games like World of Warcraft are losing stuff they care about to credentials theft, and in significant numbers. The transactions resulting from the theft are hard to reverse. Blizzard has the support costs for straightening this out.Contrast this with people who play banking games like "credit card account". They're not losing money in sufficient numbers that the support costs for banks are rising the same way.First, the banks are bigger. Second, the transaction reversal is well-practiced, since that's one of the ways the banks make their money. Third, at least in countries with rational policies, the banks have become good at detecting and preventing the fraud, plus cleaning it up. Even better, in countries with insane policies like the UK, the banks get to say "sux2bu" or perhaps even charge the victim with fraud, and their support costs go to zero.It makes more sense for Blizzard to offer tokens than it does for a bank to do the same. Blizzard has a different problem, with fewer back end controls, and no way to sluff off their support costs onto someone else.
King, 26.12.2013, 04:36
Mitt Romney is so clear and correct in his cotemnms as to what the founders of our Nation intended regarding the religious faith of potential leaders, that it becomes obvious where real bigotry exists. Introducing fundatmental error or as stated the Religion Question into the National Debate is a serious flaw promulgated by the Perry Campaign and will backfire against him. He should bow out now and save the multi-millions of dollars he will spend needlessly trying to destroy Romney and in essence, our Nation's dwindling hope for salvaging the Constitution being relentlessly destroyed by Obama's transformation of America into a socialistic state. Last night's debate left no doubt as to Romney's ability to answer the numerous attacks, petty as they really are, in a reasoned manner. While we can all realize that small things mean a lot, when contrasting Romney's miniscule so-called faults against the huge issues facing us for which Romney is eminently qualified to handle, the attacks are infantile and superficial. It is my hope that the harrange and attention on the thin things of virtually no major importance leveled against him will not distract the great body of Americans from realizing he is the most competent and best qualified to confront the thick things of monumental importance our Nation is facing and will continue to face in the immediately near future. http://fkjkqpyuv.com [url=http://queuvnmzzbi.com]queuvnmzzbi[/url] [link=http://javfgenwvt.com]javfgenwvt[/link]
Eduarda, 27.12.2013, 09:27
?Decemadber 16,a02010Tis the seaadson…. Bah Humadbug!No I’m not being Scrooge, it’s just that every year about this time we wait with great anticadiadpaadtion (not necadesadsaradily with sugar plums dancading in our heads but with great exciteadment and enthuadsiadasm nevaderadtheadless) wishading and hopading some of our fvriaote bands and musiadcians (you know the ones) will finally get the recogadniadtion they truly deserve and be inducted into the “Rock and Roll” Hall of Fame. And yes, once again the announceadment comes and withadout fail, you are left thinkading– “what the hell were they thinking”?This is the inspiadraadtion for our webadsite– POPHofF (POP Hall of Fame). A microadcosm of popaduadlar music and pop culadture, where we can see some of our old fvriaotes and lisadten to some great music from years past as well as have healthy debates and blog about popaduadlar music of all genres.Here is the list of the 2011 “Rock and Roll” Hall of Fame “Peradformer” inductees and a few comadments regardading each one. By the way, you may be wonadderading why the quotes around Rock and Roll when menadtionading the offiadcial Hall of Fame. Wouldn’t you think the “Rock and Roll” Hall of Fame would only induct Rock and Rollers? Do you really think of Madonna or Run DMC as being rock and rollers? Yes they are very taladented and deservading of recogadniadtion for their musiadcal and peradformading conadtriadbuadtions but maybe they should be in the Music Hall of Fame, not R&RHOF. We can dig deeper into this at another time.2011 “Peradformer” inductees:There are two names that I absolutely believe should be inducted and glad they were included. The accomadplishadments and popaduadlaradity of Neil Diaadmond and Alice Cooper stand on their own meradits and their music has defadiadnitely stood the test of genaderadaadtions of fans. It’s abouta0time.Dr John– Yes, quite the musiadcian and what he has done for the New Orleans music scene can’t be disadputed. Howadever, do you think of him as a rock and roller? Leon Rusadsell is a 2011 inductee as a sideadman (he arguably should be in as a peradformer). I could go along with Dr John being inducted as a sideadman as well, but not a performer.Tom Waits– I’m on the fence on this one. He is absolutely a hall of fame songadwriter, espeadcially when you conadsider some of the acts that have covadered his songs– but this is not the Songadwriter Hall ofa0Fame.Daradlene Love– This one was my “What the hell” moment. She has been a backup singer or in a group setadting for most of her career. Although her “Christadmas (Baby Please Come Home)” is one of my fvriaote non-​​traditional Christadmas songs, what qualadiadfies her as a hall of fame peradformer? Has she ever been conadsidadered a star? Was her career influadenadtial to other artists? I don’t think so. What thea0hell?So there you are, 2 bona fides, 2 posadsiadbles and one, “what thea0hell”!I wonadder if the memadbers of Deep Puradple, Chicago, The Moody Blues, Heart, Grand Funk Railadroad, Kiss, Rush and many othaders are also sayading “what thea0hell”?Let’s hear your views, how do you feel about the curadrent inductees, and the ones once again left waiting?Mark E. http://ahmkrzi.com [url=http://sfbfrywmzsf.com]sfbfrywmzsf[/url] [link=http://ymngqlnyfc.com]ymngqlnyfc[/link]

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