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0 and 360 true north 90 east 180 south 270 west

Forget about magnetic declination to complex and unnecessary for solar designs, you need to know true north. On the outer black circle 0 & 360 degrees for true north, 90d for east 180d true south & 270d for west easy to do and will go with any location. Add the rest of the 360 degrees and we will know where the sun comes up and sets as well as true solar noon for any location (not time zone noon its inaccurate for all but one central location). Then adding suns elevation a little more complex though. That would have to be done with latitude information. If you could do these two I'm sure you could sell the program many could use it ;) I would buy it!


Michael Pohlreich , 24.09.2017, 04:07
Idea status: under consideration


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