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When you zoom in/out the overlay disappears

Is this a bug or feature? Also it becomes impossible to locate an overlay after it's zoomed. Only applying for geocoding helps to show the overlay once again.

Jaroslav Danilov , 07.04.2010, 13:14
Response from the site administrator
Mourner, 07.04.2010
Hi, we cannot reproduce this, please tell us the browser version and OS you're using
Idea status: rejected


Jaroslav Danilov, 07.04.2010, 13:32
Thank you for quick reply.
Played around for 10 minutes. Could not reproduced the problem again. I think that can be closed. Using Mozilla Firefox 3.6.2; Windows XP.
> Rolling over the "nautical twillight", "dusk" and other similar links makes a "?" mark visible. Hovewer clicking the links does nothing. It should not be some restriction of the browser cause other links work fine for me.
As for the rest, SunCalc is pretty awesome. Suggest to implement it in Flash as a Flex App (GoogleMaps library is available) which is more appealing. Check out Adobe Flex technology if you get a chance.
Mourner, 07.04.2010, 14:15
These are not links but acronyms, you need to hover the mouse and wait a bit before the tooltip appears. I agree that I need to make this more apparent though.
Jaroslav Danilov, 07.04.2010, 14:46
You may try to decrease the wait time for tooltip to appear or to do not drop the timer to 0 when mouse is moved if that technique is available. You may also try to add a tiny "?" image near the link instead and show the tooltip when user clicks it.
Thank you.

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