1282 votes Vote

Add slider for days of year like the one for time

Mourner, 04.04.2010, 15:28
Idea status: scheduled


scott, 11.05.2012, 14:59
Jim Gish, 30.11.2012, 18:12
Also, a increment/decrement by day/week/month/quarter would be nice along the slider. Thanks, btw -- this is a terrific app!
Daniel Clarke, 17.04.2013, 07:59
This is a great idea for an improvement to an excellent program. I was going to make the same suggestion myself. This would allow someone to see the earliest or latest time of the year when a certain location directly sees sunrise/sunset/noon/etc.
Daniel, 10.05.2013, 02:30
I had the exact same idea
Samsiah, 16.06.2013, 09:53
Well done atricle that. I'll make sure to use it wisely.
Leo, 09.08.2013, 10:42
Love this idea, wanted to make same suggestion of having a bar from 1 Jan to 31 Dec to scroll like if it was a timelapse the changes during the entire year. Awesome app/website anyway, the best
Scott Rankin, 31.10.2013, 03:00
Very good app.

I would like to see various specific sun events on such a slider, such as equinox and solstice dates.
Thom Westergren, 06.11.2013, 17:02
I'd say that a slider for the days is even more important than the one for the hours. Your graphic shows what happens through the day, without it even needing the animation. The change from day-to-day through the year/seasons is what's really needed. I haven't seen anything like it before. It should be very useful.

A graph on the side to show the tilt would complete the package. Thanks
Brian, 01.12.2013, 16:29
Same thought to be able to move the cursor over the entire year. Add a little sun icon to the end of the specified time perhaps, too? Thanks, though...very useful.
Amar, 04.12.2013, 04:05
Please add a slider that can be set for day/month/quarter...etc. It would be awesome to see how the sun's path moves as you click from day to day (in a month) or month to month (in a year).

Thanks for making this really cool web app!
Nick, 10.02.2014, 20:32
exactly! Multiple sliders and quick links to solstice, equinox positions etc. Great website.
John Monroe, 23.03.2014, 16:17
I came here to post this. Thanks for planning to work on it.
EdBOt, 15.04.2014, 12:18
Please consider this another vote for this suggested feature! Already an excellent application, but being able to watch the sun angles throughout the year would be superb!
noel, 06.06.2014, 17:30
I came here to post this too.
Paul mcgruther, 10.08.2014, 20:11
Just bought a house and this has been invaluable - then wanted to make it easier or through the year- but many people are ahead of me for the double slider idea of tracking through the year .
Great tool this - thanks
Cesar, 21.09.2014, 16:32
i love your app and i really need this because my wife urged me to move and while we're looking for a new home, the coolest inner climate the better, so we know the best way is to look for houses with proper orientation... but as other guys have said, we need to know sun path along the year, not only for a day
Bruno, 04.12.2014, 04:06
Exactly the same idea I have
Archi, 18.05.2015, 22:34
Yes yes yes please!!!
Matt, 04.01.2016, 19:10
You could use the same slider, just add a toggle to +/- 12 months, +/- 12 weeks (same day). +/- 12 days may not make as much sense, and won't show much change in most normal cases.

Great app as is though! Very helpful with house planning, etc.
Andy, 03.02.2016, 04:12
We are looking to buy a house and figure out where the sun will reach our new garden throughout the year, this addition would be a huge help!
Kevin Killion, 11.05.2016, 18:33
YES!!! I agree, a slider to set the day of the year would be highly desirable! EXAMPLE: From the beautiful beaches of Kaanapali on Maui, you look out over the ocean and can see the islands of Lanai and Molokai. But during parts of the year, that means that you CANNOT see the sun set into the ocean. So, the question is, fo what range of dates does the sun set over the ocean, between Lanai and Molokai? You can zoom down to Maui and Kaanapali, and get the sunset line to show between those two islands. However, the date setting widget is very termpermental.
Aman, 21.10.2016, 21:02
Yes please add this
Derek, 12.09.2017, 10:06
It would be simple enough to do, just select the scale that you want to use the scroller for (hours or days)
dvisoiu, 07.06.2018, 05:12
I have supported this idea with a similar proposal for improving the application.
blueg, 19.04.2019, 15:39
Air Conditioning engineers and technicians would use a date slider to great advantage. Solar angles are very important for load calculation and air distribution systems as well as recognizing comfort problems.

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